Multi-Keno instructions
Exit app

Computer plays up to 10,000 games and displays results

Play regular KENO

Review data of all games played

Select numbers and play page

Play game

Number of spots selected
Play from 1-15 spots

Renew spots selection and start new game

Color change indicates selected number

Select number of games to auto play page

Using keypad, enter number of games to play from 1-9999

Click when done

Multi game results page

Total games played

Total $ bet based on $1.00 per game

Total $ won based on $1.00 per game and standard KENO pay tables

These boxes indicate number of hits for each number of entire number of games played
(This box indicates 4 out 10 spots hit 134 times out of 1000 games)

Stats page

Indicates data for a 10 spot play
Data for 1-15 numbers stored

Show that a total of 44 games with 10 spots played with 4 out of 10 hit 8 times.

This button will set all stats to zero.  Caution! once this button is pressed, all stored data will be gone.

Return to Multi-Keno home

To purchase - click here - $2.00

Note:  Stats are only counted during manual Keno play.  Stats are not counted in autoplay mode

Manual Keno play screen

Play same numbers again

This color indicates the 20 random numbers picked by computer

This color indicates selected number hit.  Screen shows 1 spot (46) hit out of 6 selected

Number of spots selected

Pick new numbers and play again

Light green color shows 13,24,35,46,57,48 selected
