Thread Calc-

This handy calculator for PC will calculate pitch diameter, major and minor diameters.  Used by engineers and machinists to measure screw threads.

J A N Products
Henderson, NV

Bolt Circle Calc

Calculate bolt circles with diameter or radius.  Save to file or screen output

Auto Tap Edit

Edits .tap file on CNC machines that peck tap.  Useful for rigid tapping on machines like HAAS
machining centers.

Family of pumps

Family of pumps...long for 5 gal pail,medium for smaller pails and float for any size sump.

KENO test

Now you can play KENO automatically to check your numbers or your betting strategy. Play up to 10000 games in seconds, or play regular KENO one game at a time.

Pulsed coolant

Insert M08 and M09 at intervals in the G-code program

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Pulsed coolant

Pulsed Centrifugal Pump

Adjustable time and interval coolant pump.  Ideal for machining coolant for desktop machining operations.  No need for splash guards coolant volume is small
